I was on weekly train journey heading home. The best part is you get assorted with a wide variety of people everytime. Since lacking anything better to do, I sit observing them and making up stories mentally. This time there was a young couple opposite to me. From the fondness, they looked very recently married. Besides the fresh, new clothes gave them away. They sat together staring into their laptop uncaring of the world around. The girl looked so young and cute almost making it irresistible for the voyeur in me. I started listening to their conversation. They were obviously into their Facebook profiles.
An inevitable part of starting a relationship is sharing your profile passwords. Its almost like handing over the keys to your life. Some even o to the extent of moving into a single profile. Later when the shiny part of marriage is over there is nothing left, but regret and bitterness. Faith and Private space are two integral but conflicting components of marriage.
I was also carrying on with the pretext of reading a story. The young girl falls in love with a much older writer. She asks him ‘How was love in your days?’
‘Then, people used to think using words. Communications where done using words. Now people use imageries. Love can no longer be communicated in words ’
I was working with a group of youngsters. I asked them to present anything they wanted. It needn’t be conforming to any rule. I expected something round breaking. Sadly they presented an assortment of TV sops and popular movie scenes. Its time we accept the fact that our imaginations have become so convoluted and limited. And interestingly I will put Google in the culprit’s box. Answer to any problem is Google and the answer it feeds. In premier institutes assignments are plagiarized thanks to Google. Google is a revolution. But what if the revolution brings down quality of human innovation.