Monday, June 11, 2012


Last Sunday, I was lazily trying to find out the month of the year. Oh its June. Is there anything about June which I haven't noticed.

Oh I began blogging roughly three years ago. All these years, just look at the way it is. Starting it out from an air conditioned room, today I fond myself in a new world. I have met different people from different backgrounds. I travelled, read , drank, wrote.

I always had this feeling of cutting myself into fame. But its all elusive. My friend told about trying emotional blow jobs. Some people might say, hey be happy in who you are. Hell no, I too want to be in spotlight. Why is it so evil for me ?

Meanwhile , three years of age has slowly opened the dark future that lies ahead. I am too sarcastic and egoistic for my own good. It's been reflecting on the write up too. There's no place in this world for honesty.

Three people I ought to remember :
1) Pestosauce: Marvelous guy . I sometimes had this dark feeling, it was indeed me who was writing it

2) crusader : a great load of talent. His slow shift of ideology was a surprise, a pleasant one. Started out as a budding reporter recently, which I'm sure he's gonna rock.

3) Jane : I greatly enjoyed mail chatting with her. Such a baggage of experience. And a very beautiful lady.

4) JJ : the way I came across her was a surprise. She took the courage to strike friendship with a Pervert


Pesto Sauce said...

Thanks for the mention, atleast someone out there thinks I am not worthless

Anonymous said...

I missed your 3 year anniversary - so sorry!

I was away in June and am only just getting back into the swing of things - the trouble I find with blogging is that the sometimes you are afraid to write what you really feel because you think you may hurt someone's feelings - a colleague, a family member, a fellow blogger ... so you start a self-imposed censorship. It annoys me because I don't want that to be the case - keep up your honest posts!!

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Shakespeare,Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin and Lincoln never saw a movie,heard a radio or looked at TV. They had loneliness and knew what to do with it. Thay were not afraid of being lonely because they knew that was when the creative mood in them would work.