Thursday, July 30, 2009

Vinayak- Part I.... The saga of love

Life is the best thriller movie ever made. When you believe the movie has come to an end, with a strange twist life leads you through further experiences.
When you meet people you never suspect that they might have a good chunk of role in the later stages of your life. The only predictable thing about life is it is unpredictable and that gives the thrill of living it.

Vinayak is one of the protagonists of my story. He was fat, cool, with those ear studs, rings… He had this unique ability to shine where ever he went and cultivated friends from all over India.
One day Vinayak asks me during a tea break ‘Dude why haven’t you ever fallen in love with a girl?’. You get a peculiar feeling soon after you finish a sentence and then wished that you had better kept your mouth shut. I professed my never ending, one way love for Swathi. He calmly took out his mobile and showed me a photo. It had him and Swathi hugging each other. Those two looked like a married couple. So I have shot myself in mouth once again.

Flashback time:

One month before this incident, prior to joining the company we had a training, this was where all three of us had met- me, Vinayak and Swathi. Swathi looked like a puppy lost down here in the bottom tip of India. Those were days of extreme pressure. You finished an entire computer language within 4 days. If I had put half the effort during my graduation, I would have ended up in some better place.
Swathi always sat around sniffing in to her hanky. One day as I returned early from the lab, I saw her sitting alone in the class. Needless to say I did not lose my chance for the initial breakthrough. And Swathi didn’t need an invitation to open up. This was the first time she was staying away from her home and family. And she didn’t have a clue about what a softie did for a living. We were surprised she was a topper in her college. She stole many hearts with her sad plight and became apple of our eye.
As the final days approached the tensions in our hearts doubled. We had to clear a minimum average to pass through. I had already started sewing romantic dreams of me and Swathi. So I fervently prayed for her. But even the almighty refused to intervene. She couldn’t clear the cut-offs. She was asked to reappear after 15 days as per the policy. We tried to comfort her. But here comes the shocker. She decides she had enough of this sick place and industry. She decides to call it quits. One more dream of mine smashed.
Later she got into a MNC in Gujarat with a great salary and position. So it became a blessing in disguise when she was eliminated.

Fast forward to present:

I became the laughing stock among friends. But I enjoyed the fun. Rarely does anyone get the chance to get caught in such a situation. But Vinayak took it in good humor.

He showed me his blog. They had fallen in love during the turbulent,tense period of training. In high pressure humans look for a comfort around them. They found comfort and love in each other. The blog contained all the vivid details of the places they went for a walk, each kisses they exchanged. Although it made you cringe, still you appreciated him for his conquest. Things went on. He wrote, poems after poems, testimonials after testimonials, blog after blog on her. He called her his ‘pari’ (angel). True from some angles she looked like one. He used to discuss about the divine feeling called love. Since none of us had any prior experiences there was no point in arguing.

I had only heard of Ghandarva marriage. Well, they went around calling each other husband and wife, although there were in two corners of India. So here was our chance to witness the true love mentioned by wise old poets where you are separated by miles and still one in mind.
He went to her home town in pretext of attending an interview and met all those folks. He with all his charm won over their hearts. I heard they made sweets and other goodies for him.
So the stage is set for witnessing the culmination of a beautiful love saga.
But the story had not ended. Things take a turn….which you will read in my next post..


simply me said...

hey there amazing narration..the layout of ur story is really nice...would wait for the continuation

Praveen said...

shit man!!! y did u delete tht 2nd part...I saw it sometime back here..!

I know the story till this part...u told me once and I laughed a lot tht day :P
anyway, nice write :D
and post tht 2nd part soon

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Shakespeare,Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin and Lincoln never saw a movie,heard a radio or looked at TV. They had loneliness and knew what to do with it. Thay were not afraid of being lonely because they knew that was when the creative mood in them would work.